Thursday, March 28, 2013

My People Perish

"My people are destroyed (perish) for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6

          I know that the scripture above is speaking of more than just our physical bodies perishing. It is our souls that God is most concerned about, but I believe that God is able to give us the knowledge to make our lives better in many ways if we will only listen to Him. He is able to give us knowledge and wisdom that will help us not only spiritually, but also physically, economically, and every other way you can imagine.      
          As you know, if you have been reading my blog, I am experiencing some health problems. I feel fine, and would never know anything was wrong with me if I had not had a scan of my chest a couple of months ago. How did I get to this point? What happened? I thought I was taking care of myself. After all, the scriptures address those of us who are believers with this admonition, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body." I Cor. 6:19-20 So, it is my responsibility as a believer in Christ to take care of the body He has given me. That is what I have tried to do. I walk a mile each day, try to eat right, and try to get enough rest. I was feeling fine until all of this hit me like a ton of bricks. How did I get sick?
          Now that I have been doing The Gerson Therapy for about three weeks, I have been noticing my body responding to the nutrients I am pouring into it! It is amazing! I didn't know that my body was starving for some good food. Only time will tell what the results of all this effort will be, but I feel great most of the time.
          Now that I have learned a lot more about the foods we eat and have had time to reflect back on what I was feeding my body, I realize that I was not treating it very well after all. Most of the foods we eat today are so far from natural that they can hardly be called food. They have been so processed, and they have so many preservatives and other chemicals added to them that they are poisoning us, and we don't even realize it. At the very least, they are not giving us the nutrients we need to stay healthy. The cancer statistics alone will bear out this fact, not to mention the diabetes and heart disease epidemics. I watched a video on NetFlix called "Food Matters." What an eye-opener! Also, all the material I have read in order to do the Gerson Therapy has opened my eyes to how we are poisoning ourselves, not just with the food we eat, but also with the water we drink and bathe in, the air we breathe, and the chemicals we come in contact with every day. I realize we have no control over a lot of this, but some things we do have control over, and we need to start taking control where we can.
          Satan is the god of this world, and he is doing all he can to pollute and poison it. We have a responsibility to inform ourselves for our own sake as well as for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Let's all do our best to get healthy and stay that way. As Christians, I believe this will glorify God. The world is watching us to see if we are different. I want the world to see that my life is not only different spiritually, but physically as well.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Does God Test Us?

          No one likes to go through trials and tribulations! Some of them we bring on ourselves, others come through no fault of our own, but regardless of the source, trials have a way of bringing out who we really are and show us a lot about ourselves. The mask comes off!
          God has used trials to test most, if not all, of the people we read about in the bible. For example, Abraham was tested when asked to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, a foreshadowing of the sacrifice of Jesus, God's only Son. (Heb.11:17) Job was sorely tested and came through with quite a testimony! Joseph was tested when he was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers. (Ps. 105:17-19) The children of Israel were tested in the wilderness for forty years. (Deut. 8:2) By the way, the number of testing in the bible is forty. After Jesus was baptized by John, he went into the wilderness for forty days where He was tested and tempted. Even though He was the perfect Son of God, He, too, had to be tested. (Isaiah 28:16) In fact, His whole life here on this Earth was a test. Thankfully, He passed the test so that He could become our great High Priest. "In the days of His flesh, He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation..." Hebrews 5:7-9 If even our Lord Jesus had to be tested, should we think that we should not have to be?
          Does God test us to see what we will do in the test? I seriously doubt that, since He already knows exactly what we will do in the test. He knows the end from the beginning! (Isaiah 46:9-10) He is omniscient God! No, I believe He tests us so that we will know where we stand with our faith, and it also serves as a witness to the world when and if we stand up under trials.
          James says, "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance, and let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James1:2-4
         I am going through a test right now, as you know if you read my previous post. It is not the first time God has tested me, and it probably won't be the last, but it is in the times of testing that we learn the most about God and about ourselves and our relationship to Him. I look forward to every day that I have here on this earth in which I can get to know Him better and be more prepared for the day when I will see Him face to face. I am determined to come through the testings, more like Christ each time I am tested. I realize, too, that it is only by His grace and mercy that this is possible. God is so good!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Bump in the Road on My Journey

Hello Everyone,
          This is going to be a more personal post than I usually do. I am experiencing a challenge in my life, and would love it if you would pray for me. I do believe that God tests our faith. I'll share some scriptures with you at another time on that subject, but for now, I just want to let you know about the situation I find myself in.
          Before Christmas I was running a low-grade fever, so I went to my family doctor. He diagnosed a urinary tract infection with blood in the urine. I know! TMI! ...but that is part of the story. He put me on antibiotics and told me to come back in a week. At the end of one week I had another test. It still showed infection and blood, so he put me on another type of antibiotic and suggested I have a CT scan of pelvis and abdomen to rule out a tumor. At the time I thought that was overkill, but I went ahead and had the scan done. The results were fine as far as the bladder, etc., but at the top of the scan it picked up the lower part of my lungs. They saw a spot on my lower left lung, so they called for another CT scan of my chest. This scan showed not only the spot on the lung, but also some enlarged lymph nodes.
          My doctor sent me to a lung doctor. He did a bronchoscopy and a PET scan. The bronchoscopy did not produce a diagnosis, but the PET scan looked suspicious, so the lung doctor sent me to a surgeon. To make a long story short, all this time I have been praying for God to guide me to do what is best. I was supposed to have the surgery this past Monday, but I called and cancelled it last week. I have decided to do an alternative therapy.
          Now, I know what that sounds like to many of you. Quackery!! However, I feel that God is leading me in this direction. The name of the therapy is The Gerson Therapy. If you care to check it out, there is a video on NetFlix called "The Gerson Miracle" that tells a lot about it. There are also two other videos, "Dying to Have Known" and "The Beautiful Truth," that are both about the Gerson Therapy. Please watch them. This is not just about cancer, and it is not just about me. It is about all of us killing ourselves with the food that we eat and the poisons we are constantly being bombarded with.
          I have done a lot of research and praying in the past few weeks. So far, the biggest miracle in all of this is that my doctor ordered the first CT scan. Without that I would have never even known that I was having a problem. I was having no symptoms of any lung problems, and still am not. I have never smoked and have always tried to exercise and take care of myself, but I will admit that I have not been very good at eating the right foods, and I like sweets too much! I think God has given me a wake-up call. Now I am trusting Him to lead me in a path that will be best for me. If it is successful, I will certainly be an advocate of it and tell others about it.
          As I have said before, my favorite verse in the Bible is John 8:32  "and you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free." I am counting on the Lord to lead and guide me into the truth about my own body and what it needs in order to get well. If you know anything about the Gerson Therapy or someone who has used it, please let me know. I would love to hear from you.