In my last post regarding the Gerson Therapy I gave you a recap of my progress through December, 2014. I have now had another CT scan and the results are very satisfactory! There is still no change in the nodule in my lower left lung, so it has remained basically the same size for two years now, a little less than one centimeter. My pulmonologist says he doesn't need to see me again for a year, so I feel this is very good news indeed.
So, what are my plans now, everyone is asking? I plan to eat healthy, as close to nature as possible. I will still be eating a lot of the same foods, what I call "Gerson foods," lots of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. I will severely limit fats, salt and sugar intake and still be drinking at least two or three carrot/apple juices a day. I will continue to detox as needed. I WILL EAT OUT!! I have already treated myself to a couple of pasta dinners at Olive Garden! Yum!! The only thing that bothered me was the amount of salt they put on the bread! Yuck! I feel more free to venture out a little with my diet now, but not too far!
I have received many side benefits from this therapy besides healing of my cancer. My thyroid gland, which was messed up, is now healed. Thyroid levels are testing normal with no thyroid meds. I used to have terrible acid reflux. That is gone, and I expect it to stay gone as long as I behave myself with my food intake. I have lots of energy! To sum it all up, I am feeling great!! I wish everyone could experience what I have, even though it was very difficult to go through. I wouldn't take anything for the experience and what I have learned through it all. Also, my wonderful husband, Bob, deserves a whole lot of credit for all his hard work, patience, understanding and grocery shopping! I believe he has purchased more carrots than anyone else in Hart County.
Last, but not least, I give thanks, praise, and honor to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has faithfully led me through a very dark valley. Thank you, Jesus! You are so faithful!
So happy that you are doing well! No wonder I couldn't find large bags of carrots!