Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fifteen Weeks on the Gerson Therapy

     Hello again! It's been over a month since my last post. I have been very busy doing my therapy. It is extremely time consuming, and I can understand why people would not want to do it, but I can testify that for me it has been totally worthwhile. So far, I have avoided having a costly, risky, painful surgery, possibly losing half a lung, then probably having chemo and/or radiation, and we all know what kind of side effects those can cause, and I would still have no guarantee of a cure.
     I am still convinced, at this point, that God has led me to do this therapy. I am feeling more healthy all the time. I am working 20 hours a week right now, and my energy level is good. I am not feeling toxic like I did at the beginning, which is a sign that the cancer is on the run. I really have no symptoms of lung cancer, no cough or shortness of breath. It has been six months since I had that first CT scan that told me I had a problem. If the cancer was spreading I would surely be feeling worse by now. At this point, I am guardedly optimistic.

     The blood work I had done after four weeks on the therapy showed my white blood cell count to be a little low, but after ten weeks of the therapy it was in the normal range, although at the low end of it. I will have more blood work done sometime in July, and I expect the results to be even better.

     I am so thankful to God for leading me in this direction. I would recommend the Gerson Therapy to anyone who has any kind of degenerative disease, not just cancer, as it works by boosting the immune system. It is known to cure many other diseases besides cancer. We don't give our own immune system enough credit or support. God made a body that can heal itself if given the right raw materials and care. I am disappointed in the medical establishment that they have neglected to investigate this alternative. I don't think most doctors are even aware of this possibility.  

     On the  spiritual side of things, there are two scriptures that have been especially dear to me in the last few weeks, Psalm 23 and Psalm 91. I take them personally! God is so good!!

     In closing, if you want more info on the Gerson Therapy, watch these videos on Netflix, or they may be available on YouTube:
                                                        The Gerson Miracle
                                                         The Beautiful Truth
                                                          Dying to Have Known
                                                          Food Matters

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